  • Installing Android

  • Building Blocks of Android

  • Running on Emulator

  • Creating Hello World

  • Using resources and themes

  • Creating First Application

  • Introduction to Java I/O, Data types, Loops, Conditionals and Operators

  • Save & restore data as Application Preferences

  • How to save & restore data as Instance State

  • SQLite Database connection

  • Insert, update, remove, and retrieve data from an SQLite Database

  • Custom Components

  • Context Menus.

  • Adapters , Adapter Views and its variants

  • Services and Broadcast Receivers

  • Broadcast Intents and Post notifications.

  • Asyntask, Threads and Synchronization

  • Establish Http connections and connect to server Globally

  • Web Views

  • Incorporation of Google Maps into an application.

  • Receive GPS location information.

  • Google Maps Overlays.

  • Design and Requirement analysis support

  • Implementation and QA support


  • 3 Sections
  • 5 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • 12h 10m Duration
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3 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Introduction
  2. Test your drawing skills
  3. Drawing tools you'll need
Basic Drawing Skills
2 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Practice the basics
  2. Parallel line drawing
0 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Drawing IQ Test
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